Monday, February 6, 2012

The Awaken Your Senses Contest begins today--with TASTE!

TASTE: The sense of the week!

“Have you ever thought about tasting God in what you put in your mouth? The idea that food can remind us of the different attributes, ways and stories of God is a novel thought for most of us. If we are open to letting God teach us the ways of faith through our bodies, though, then we can learn the ways of faith through our taste buds as well as our brain. The sweetness of a freshly baked cinnamon roll can remind us of the sweetness of God’s love in the same way that horseradish at Passover reminds Jews of the bitterness of slavery.” Awaken Your Senses, pg. 26 (adapted)

Today (Feb. 6) we begin the “Awaken Your Senses Contest.(But you can join anytime!) The contest will be featured on:

·         Brent’s Blog
·         Beth's Blog

Here’s how it works:
1.       This week, you are invited to pay attention to your sense of TASTE and see how it introduces you to the wonder of God.
2.       If something cool happens, post a description about that experience on the Awaken Your Senses FB Page or Beth or Brent’s blogs.  (All entries must be submitted by Sunday at noon.)
3.       Brent and Beth will choose a winner on Sunday evening and that person will receive a $25 gift card that will be sure to please his or her palate! Brent and Beth will also do a drawing from the names of everyone who participates and give away an autographed copy of Awaken Your Senses.
4.       The winners will be announced on the FB page and their blogs on Monday when a new sense begins!

Tell your friends about the contest. Tweet, tumblr and blog about it! Spread the word! We can’t wait to hear about your experiences as you awaken your senses to the wonder of God!

1 comment:

  1. Here is a beautiful description from a friend who practiced the exercise in my book on "Tasting Forgiveness." You'll see how God uses the sense of Taste as a medium through which God speaks. It even underscores why Jesus chose taste--the bread and wine--to help us take into ourselves the cleansing power of forgiveness.

    "I wanted to let you know I am doing the exercises from your book and marinating on them before going on to the next one. Did the vinegar and peppermint one this am. Very powerful. I thought I knew what vinegar tasted like but the experience of taking it in my mouth and letting it seep into my cheeks and under my tongue brought a new realization of how bitter and pungent it is. It drew my whole body up into a tight, tense ball. It made we realize how powerful sin is and how when I only think of it in a knowledge based, intellectual way I don't remember that. Sin can creep in and become a cause for so much dysfunction in my life without me realizing it. This experience made we once again aware how grateful I am for the forgiveness God offers through Christ and why I need to stay close to him on a daily basis."
