Monday, February 13, 2012

Seeing is the Sense of the Week!

Join our Awaken Your Senses contest and win a $25 gift card.  
Congratulations to last week's winners--Leah Sophia, winner of a $25 gift card for Harry and David's and Sherry Rediger, winner of an autographed copy of Awaken Your Senses!

Here are the details:
“Being able to see truly means that we have to pay attention with our body and soul. We know that when we don’t, it becomes too easy to miss the subtle influences of God’s Spirit around us. Yes, our eyes still function—along with our ears, nose, fingers and mouth. To see God present, however, we must learn to pay attention with all of ourselves. Too often, we pay attention with part of ourselves while the rest of us thinks about work that needs doing or any of the myriad other thoughts that crowd our minds. When that happens, as photographer David Vestal tells us, “You don’t have enough attention to see what’s around you.” If we want to see God present in the ordinary, in the daily gifts we’re given, we want to move beyond seeing and into perceiving. Learning to see using our bodies and souls teaches us to receive the presence of God that surrounds us—in whom we live and move and have our being.” Awaken Your Senses (p. 60, adapted)

Today (Feb. 13) is the start of week two of the “Awaken Your Senses Contest.” The contest is featured on:
Awaken Your Senses Facebook Page
Brent’s Blog
• Beth's Blog

Here’s how it works:
1. This week, you are invited to pay attention to your sense of SIGHT and see how it introduces you to the wonder of God.
2. If something cool happens, post a description about that experience on the Awaken Your Senses FB Page or Beth or Brent’s blogs. (All entries must be submitted by Sunday at noon.)
3. Brent and Beth will choose a winner on Sunday evening and that person will receive a $25 gift card for a gift related to taste.
4. Brent and Beth will also do a drawing from the names of everyone who participated each week and the weekly winner of the random drawing will receive an autographed copy of Awaken Your Senses.
5. The winners will be announced on Awaken Your Senses Facebook Page and Brent and Beth’s blogs on each Monday when a new sense begins!

The Contest Schedule!
February 6 – Taste
Winners: Leah Sophia -- $25 Harry and Davids Gift Certificate
Sherry Redinger – autographed copy of Awaken Your Senses
February 13 – See
February 20 – Touch
February 27 – Hear
March 5 -- Smell

Tell your friends about the contest. Tweet, tumblr and blog about it. Spread the word. We can’t wait to hear about your experiences as you awaken your senses to the wonder of God.

1 comment:

  1. I saw God this week in so many ways. When the flakes of snow came falling out the sky. When a deer walked through my back yard it was then that I saw God. I saw God when my husband stopped to help a couple who was in an accident a long side the highway. During my classes for Foster Care and Adoption I saw God through all the other people who were there for the same cause…to take in a child/ren that needs a home. I saw God when I hugged a twelve year old boy and thought of when he was still in his mother’s womb how I had the privilege to hear his heart beat. I see God everywhere I look. In the flowers that sit in a vase on my desk I see God’s love, because my husband chooses to love me through Christ. When the spider was crawling on my desk and made me scream it was then that I saw God. I saw God through his people while they were worshipping Him. Just open your eyes and you will see God everywhere. It’s amazing what you see when you look. Zoe-Mai Tatar
