Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Awaken Your Senses Contest is about to begin!
On Monday, February 6th, Beth and Brent will host an “Awaken Your Senses Contest” featured on:
·     Awaken Your Senses Facebook Page
·     Brent’s Blog
·     Beth's Blog
Here’s how it works:

1.       Each week, for five weeks, Beth and Brent will post a sense-of-the-week. You are invited to pay attention to that particular sense and see how it introduces you to the wonder of God.

2.        As you begin "listening" to that sense, we bet you'll have some stories to tell! Post a description about your experience on the Awaken Your Senses FB Page or Beth or Brent’s blogs.
(All  entries must be submitted by Sunday at noon.)

3.       Brent and Beth will choose a winner on Sunday evening and that person will receive a $25 gift card for a gift related to that sense. They will also do a drawing from the names of everyone who participated and give away an autographed copy of Awaken Your Senses.

4.       The winners will be announced on the FB page and their blogs on Monday when a new sense begins!

Tell your friends about the contest. Tweet, tumblr and blog about it! Spread the word! We can’t wait to hear about your experiences as you awaken your senses to the wonder of God!


  1. How fun! Can't wait to see how God speaks to me!

  2. For the past year now, I've been slowly incorporating raw, clean foods into my diet. My intention for the week has been to really taste my food. To slow down. I tend to eat really fast....
    It has had to be a conscious decision. Today for lunch, I ate a meal of quinoa, spinach, almonds, and cucumbers with a light vinagraitte dressings. It was a small, hearty meal. Tasting it, the word "green" keeps singing in my soul. The ever greening of my the invitation. And I welcome it.
