Tuesday, March 9, 2010

30 Days of Hearing

Day 8: Bird Songs

The sun has been shining for three days—an occasion to celebrate for those who live in this part of the country! Spring is teasing us, playing peek-a-boo and today I fell for it. I had to get out and take a walk, drink in the sunshine. As I walked on a familiar path, I noticed a symphony of bird songs in surround sound.

Cardinals sang their lyrical songs.
Red-winged blackbirds blew their whistled songs.
A flicker of red-bellied woodpecker hammered his song.
Robins composed their common, modest songs.
Flocks of Canadian geese honked in chorus—sounding the most boisterous songs.
Tree swallows chirped while playing catch-me-if-you-can.
Blue birds—yes, two!—made no discernable sound but dazzled in the morning light.

I thoroughly enjoyed a concert this morning. The field was the stage upon which each bird played his or her tune. At the end, I gave them and their Conductor a standing ovation!


Mary said...

Oh I love, "At the end, I gave them and their Conductor a standing ovation!" I can just see God's smile at that!!!!

Yesterday was glorious here too.
I spent a big piece of it outdoors.
We have a huge old cedar tree in the backyard, and there were dozens of Ceder Waxwings descending and ascending all around it. What an amazing site.


Saint Paul Upholstery said...

Great reading your blog postt