Thursday, December 9, 2010

"She lived her loves." Reflections on Grandma's life

Yesterday we remembered and buried David's grandmother, Margaret (Peg) Mary Theising--October 27, 1916 to December 4, 2010. She lived 94 years of a full life. David and I have had many conversations, reflecting on Grandma (she was a grandma to me, as well) and her impact on our lives. Yesterday, David put words to what we witnessed in her: "She lived her loves."

Grandma lived her loves. She took effort and initiative to pursue and enjoy what brought her the most pleasure: family and friends, good food, fishing, nature, ceramics, nice things and good books. (Up until a few months ago, Grandma was a regular patron of the Mooresville library, often reading a couple of books a week!) Many of David's and my loves today were influenced by Grandma and Grandpa's loves. (They introduced me to a love of birds, for those who know that about me.) What we love says much about us. What Grandma loved gave shape to her beautiful soul and beautiful life.

Two hours before Grandma died, David witnessed a peculiar, once-in-a-lifetime sight. He was shoveling snow, heard a loud, wild sound above his head and saw 50 or more white egret flying in an arc. They were heading southwest (the direction of Mooresville). After we found out that Grandma had died, he reflected on that experience and wrote this poem. He gave me permission to share it with you.

I am 
yet happy

The life
lived before me
lives on

A wild migration
by 50 great winged ones

The simple and true one
Positivity, optimism
Yet lingering long,
an unforgettable
breathed in
as a kiss.

Another artist
of exotic cooking,
ceramics and canning
A reader of stories
who mended her mind
with determined pleasure
A woman in waders
or furs
risking desire unafraid.

My history
merges with so many others
with her
most of all

Her story woven
in treasured
memories, photographs,
furnishings and trinkets.

A life has a halo
an after effect
that changes
we who watch.

Changes we who are touched
by a grace
seldom seen.

Breathe again
united to deeper loves
Rest in renewed
Strengthened and carried
to love
and live
here and

The first volume
The pen returned
the tale savored
and retired
with a smile.

12/5/2010 (Grandma Theising is gone.)


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