Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Reflections 2010

I'm full. Very full. And it's undeniable that I ate too many carbs and calories over the holidays. But the fullness I'm talking about isn't from over indulging. It's from enjoying an unusually wonderful time with our family this Thanksgiving. We're at a sweet time--all four of our kids are young adults, all living in Indianapolis and we are experiencing the pleasure of adult relationships. We have one adorable grandson, Eli. He's fourteen months old and we are absolutely smitten! We followed tradition and ate turkey and pumpkin pie and hung leaves on our Thanksgiving tree. We listened to David pray and read a poem he wrote. We played a game and watched Toy Story 3. We laughed, told stories, snuggled and teased. We reenacted the rituals that have defined our Thanksgivings for many years. I am full because I participated in them. I am full because I am so grateful for my family.

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