Saturday, October 10, 2009

30 Days of Tasting

Day 24

It seems I am on the home stretch with 30 Days of Tasting. The purpose of this experiment has been to isolate the sense of taste, attend to it each day and see how this sense can lead us to experience more of God within our daily lives. As I reflect back on the time, I am convinced that our senses really can awaken us to the wonder of God.

Each time we pay attention to one or more of senses, we become conscious of the present. When we notice something, truly see it for what it is, we awaken to the present, to life, and to God who we can only experience in the present. The same with each of our senses.

So, today, as I reflect on the things I have tasted, and how they reveal God to me, here are a few that come to mind:

  • Coffee: One of the sweetest things David does for me just about every day is bring me coffee in bed. (Yes, I’m spoiled.) My first taste of the day was the wonderful, smokey taste of coffee—an Italian roast, our favorite. I like mine with cream. I love waking up slowly and this ritual has become a lovely way for that to happen. Waking slowly to the day, to the loving kindness of my husband, makes me aware of God’s faithfulness—his mercies are new every morning.
  • Buckwheat, blueberry pancakes: I like to make a “fun” breakfast on Saturdays. I always did when the kids were little and still like to for David and me. Breakfast might be my favorite meal of the day. I love grainy pancakes loaded with blueberries. We used Trader Joe’s aguave maple syrup—definitely yum! Both buckwheat and blueberries remind me of the goodness of the earth and how God created it to produce such a beautiful variety of foods to enjoy.
  • A kiss: I tasted a sweet kiss from my husband today. Kisses are the best. I love when he kisses me with a real kiss. It makes me want more! Tasting a kiss awakens me to the gift of love, the gift of marriage and the gift of intimacy.
  • Taco Bell: While running errands, we grabbed lunch at Taco Bell. I know, pretty lame. But sometimes fast food is just necessary! Tasting chalupas makes me glad for Saturdays, for sunshine and for simple pleasures.
  • Oatmeal chocolate chip cookie: We came home and I had that chocolate craving I described early on in my experiment. Just happened to have some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies that keep staring at me from the counter in my kitchen. Just one—I told myself. Cookies are my favorite dessert—next to molten chocolate cake! (See Day 24) Chocolate might be one of the strongest evidences that there is a God.

    As you taste your way through the day, let each taste help you be present to life and open to God in each experience of tasting.

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