Friday, October 9, 2009

30 Days of Tasting

Day 23

Last night, I died and went to heaven. Seriously. I tasted something so blissful and sublime that I am still dreaming of it this morning. (Too tired last night to write.) Our entire family was together (minus Brooke, our youngest, and including David's folks and two boyfriends). The occasion was to celebrate Brandt’s birthday. With ten people gathered around the table in our dining room, the conversation was loud, spirited and jovial, including teases directed at me, as always!

After we finished the meal, I served dessert, a recipe that I have made for everyone and knew Brandt particularly liked. It’s called Molten Chocolate Cake. Everyone had their own in a ramekin on a birthday plate. With coffee and red wine flowing, laughter and jabbing at an epic high, unexpectedly the room got quiet. A reverential hush ensued. Person after person became enraptured by this decadent ambrosia of chocolate fantasy. Moans of satisfaction reverberated. One after one, I heard, “Oh, Mom, this is fabulous.” “Really good, Beth.” “Wow, this is incredible.” I’m surprised I remember because, honestly, I was in my own “moment” with this creamy, oozy, semi-sweet chocolaty divine dessert.

This morning, as I relish the sheer delight of being a mother (and grandmother!) who revels in the joy of being with her gathered chicks, tasting a lusciously delicious dessert prepared with love for my son and our family—I’m grateful. I celebrate the extravagant God who thought to make chocolate! The sensual God who gave us the ability to taste and enjoy life! The relational God who created families and gave each a name! The gracious God who gave me my family to love and be loved by. Last night, I died and went to heaven. And this morning, I continue to revisit the memory!

PS. Here's the recipe!

Molten Chocolate Cakes

4 squares of semi-sweet baking chocolate (I used Baker's--really good!)
1/2 C butter
1 C powered sugar
2 eggs
2 egg yolks
6 T flour
whipped cream

  • Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Butter 4 ramekins or custard cups.
  • Microwave chocolate and butter in large bowl on high for 1 minutes or until butter is melted. Stir with whisk until chocolate is completed melted. Stir in sugar until well blended. Whisk in eggs and egg yolks. Stir in flour. Divide batter between prepared ramekins/custard cups.
  • Bake 13 to 14 minutes or until sides are firm but centers are soft. Let stand 1 minutes. Carefully run small knife around cakes to loosen. Invert cakes onto dessert plates. Top with whipped cream. (Or just eat out of ramekins.)

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