Tuesday, February 9, 2010

30 Days of Touching

Day 29: Wind

A second snow storm hit today leaving it it's wake several more inches of frosty tundra. Now the winds are picking up. I can hear them howling outside my window. Winds may gust to 30 + mph. The house feels drafty from the temperature drop and blustery conditions. I don't mind snow and cold, except when it's windy.

Strong winds send a chill straight through me. Though invisible, a wind can feel as sharp as a slap across the face--and take your breath away, just the same. And speaking of touch, I can't touch the wind, but the wind touches me. With a mind of it's own, it can spin me around and send me in a direction I hadn't intended to go.

Jesus told Nicodemus that the Spirit moves like the wind--coming out of nowhere and returning from whence it came. In the wake of it's movement, dramatic things happen. People wake up to life, living breath breathed right into them. The Spirit turns them around--turns them toward Jesus. They take stock of their new orientation and gawk with wonder at how they ended up where they are.

So, the next time you are greeted with a stiff wind in your face, check in with it. It just might be the Spirit, ready to turn you around.

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