Sunday, January 31, 2010

30 Days of Touching

Day 24: Bad Touch

Do you remember when you were a kid and your mom talked to you about “bad touch?” I don’t remember every being touched inappropriately, but I do remember one incident when a friend of the family hugged me too tight and wouldn’t let me go. I knew instinctively that he wasn’t safe.

As I have practiced honing my sense of touch, I don't know if I had considered the fact that not all touch is positive or good. Some can be traumatizing and abusive. That kind of touch tears apart the soul with its bare hands and leaves a gash in the life of those who are its victims.

This morning, David and I attended White River Christian Church in Noblesville. An announcement was made for a gathering on Wednesday evening at 7 pm to inform parents and citizens of the nature and danger of child abuse in our community. This gathering is sponsored by Hands & Feet (, a not-for-profit committed to educating and uniting churches to end the awful blight of child abuse.

It’s shocking to read the statistics about child abuse in my county. According to a 2006 CPS report, 733 cases of child abuse and neglect were reported. It is likely that three times that number of children are abused every year but are never reported to authorities.

What can we do? If you live in Indy and have a tender heart for victims of child abuse or just want to know more, consider attending this presentation. If you haven’t talked to your kids in a while about “bad touch,” today is a good day.

As much as touch can be a pathway to experience God, it can also be a terrible trauma-inducing act. Please do what you can to prevent "bad touch" in your own family and community.

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