Sunday, January 24, 2010

30 Days of Touching

Day 17: A Kiss

One of my friends told me a story of how she was looking at an art book with pictures of Jesus with her little four-year-old daughter. Each time she turned the page to a new image, this little girl would lean over, pucker and delicately kiss Jesus. What a picture!

David and I were talking today about the simple act of love expressed in a kiss. He came upstairs this morning to bring me a refill of coffee, leaned over and gave me a kiss. That small, tender act of love and affection carried enormous weight for me.

A kiss is a very intimate act of adoring. When I am with Eli, it is the most natural and instinctual thing to want to kiss him—on top of his head, on his chubby little cheeks, on his tiny hands and his plump little feet.

Sometimes, there’s just no other way to express the love you feel for someone than to give them a kiss.

Have you ever expressed your love for Jesus through a kiss? Here are some examples of how you might incorporate a simple kiss in your adoration of him.

  • If you have a small cross, hold it in your hand, express your love to Christ for what he has done for you and kiss the cross.

  • Hold your Bible open on your lap. Thank God for his word and place a kiss on the open page.

  • Contemplate a picture of Jesus and like my friend’s daughter, kiss the image of Jesus.

I realize that this might feel awkward, especially if you are a man. I encourage you to take a risk, though, and see what happens when you express your love for God in a simple kiss.

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