Thursday, November 19, 2009

30 Days of Seeing

Day 28

“Way leads to way.” Robert Frost

My friend, Ann, shared this quote with me several years ago. I have often quoted it to others and even to myself, especially when I am feeling lost. And that’s just how I have felt recently. I am in transition vocationally and seeking God earnestly. Even still, the path ahead isn’t clear. My vision can’t see beyond where I am. And that’s the “seeing” I am thoughtful about tonight.

As I think about this quote again, I find encouragement in it. It resonates with the way God has led me in the past. It’s often one connection that leads to another that opens the door of my destiny. So tonight, as I get ready for bed, I entrust myself to God and reaffirm that “way leads to way” and one way or another, God will lead me.

What does “way leads to way” mean to you? How have you seen that to be true?

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