Tuesday, November 3, 2009

30 Days of Seeing

Day 15

Today, Bongo (my favorite dog in the whole world), went with me to run errands. I stopped by Trader Joe’s to pick up a few things. When I returned, there he was in his usual spot. He had crawled up on the ledge behind the back seat with his face pressed toward the glass, awaiting my return.

As I walked toward the car, I saw him in the window and he saw me. Instantly, I felt our bond of affection. There were other people walking through the parking lot, but Bongo’s attention was fixed on me and mine on him.

This is the most vivid image I saw today in my 30 Days of Seeing--Bongo watching for me. It’s a marvelous thing to have a dog who looks for my return. His devotion and delight exhibit the profound relationship we have with one another. I feel joy when I see him.

Who or what in your life brings you joy the moment you see them?

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