Sunday, November 1, 2009

30 Days of Seeing

Day 13


The word reflection can be used both literally and figuratively. I can see a reflection; I can be a reflection; and I can use reflection to think through something. Well, tonight, I saw a reflection in the most literal and magnificent sense of the word!

Right around dusk, David and I took a walk in a nature area near our home. As we turned on the path that led beside a lake, he immediately noticed the glass-like surface of the water reflecting the trees and moon. We continued and saw the above scene, with the rouge of sunset powdering the sky and reflecting through the clouds and trees onto the water. It was as though we saw double—one dazzling image a mirror reflection of the other.

What causes a reflection? I had a vague idea but decided to find out for sure. I discovered that the phenomenon we witnessed is called the law of reflection. Light rays from the sun angled down through the clouds and trees (the angle of incidence) and reflected off the lake at the same angle (the angle of reflection) producing a mirror image of the objects being reflected.

The trees did not reflect themselves. The light rays of the sun off the surface of the lake reflected them. So, I asked myself, "How is God speaking to me through this?" What strikes a chord for me is the realization that I can’t be a reflection of Jesus on my own. I need his light, shining through my life (the angle of incidence) to be reflected off me (angle of reflection). This insight gives II Corinthians 3:18 more meaning:

“We all, with unveiled faces, are reflecting the glory of the Lord and being transformed into the same image, from glory to glory; this is from the Lord who is the Spirit.”

Here is a question for spiritual direction: How can I expose myself (position myself) to the light of Christ so that I reflect him?

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