Monday, September 21, 2009

30 Days of Tasting

Day 8

Tonight, I made ground turkey gyros to take to Brandt and Laura (our son and daughter-in-law) as a peace offering so that I could see our brand new grandbaby—Elias David. As I was preparing the meal, I made the traditional sour cream and yogurt sauce. The moment I opened the jar of dill and sprinkled in a generous amount, I was reminded of how much I love that spice! I love the aroma and the taste of dill.

Dill was my most memorable taste of the day. It reminds me of how bland food would be without spices. Dill, along with coriander, garlic and Cavendar’s Greek seasoning (if you’ve never tried it, it’s amazing!) were the spices I added to the meat and sauce. Without them, both would have been incredibly tasteless.

What is it that adds flavor to my spiritual life and relationship with God? My immediate response is those moments when God shows up in everyday life. Something happens and I know it isn’t just a coincidence. (David and I have been talking about coincidences lately. He’s reading a novel by that name.) One of the most amazing coincidences/God-moments is when I think or pray for someone and the next moment they call or I run into them. That very thing happened last week.

I was having lunch with Brent Bill, finishing our plans for The Art of Faith. On my way, I thought of my friend, Laurie, who died just three weeks ago. I thought of her daughter, Liz, and said to myself, “I want to call Liz and invite her lunch next week.” An hour later, sitting outdoors at this restaurant with Brent, I looked up and here came Liz. Of all the places she could be, and times she could be there, she showed up at the same place where I was, moments after I had thought of her. That’s one of the ways God spices up my life. How about for you?

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