Monday, May 4, 2009

The Power of a Posse!

Last Friday, May 1st, I sent an email and ask my friends and family to order copies of my new book from Amazon as close to 3 pm (EST), as possible. I don't know how many responded or how many books were ordered but I do know this: over the weekend, Picturing the Face of Jesus made the top 100 Christian books on Amazon! That is simply remarkable!

How can I explain such a phenomenal rise in rank? It has to be the power of a posse! Do you know what I mean by a posse? Probably the first image that comes to mind is an old Western where the Sheriff (usually John Wayne) forms a posse to go out after some bad guys.

But a posse also means " a group of people assembled for a common purpose." That describes the folks who know me, my writing, and my message and believe in it enough to order copies of my book, all at the same time on the same day, in order to expand its reach.

Once again, I'm reminded in the power of people united around a common goal. Individually we barely make a wave, but together we can be used by God to create quite a buzz.

Thanks to all who participated, who formed an invisible yet powerful posse, and lifted up the face of Jesus. You know what comes to mind? "And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself.” (John 12:32)

If you didn't have a chance to order, here is the link:

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm saddled up and ready to go!!!! I love your new book Beth. Wonderful, rich, rewarding, inspiring! Thanks for ministering to the Body of Christ through the written and spoken word. With deep gratitude, Murphy Toerner (Baton Rouge, LA)
