Friday, August 17, 2007

The baby has arrived!

On Wednesday, the FedEx truck stopped in front of our house. The driver backed in and unloaded my baby--100 copies of my new book, The Wide Open Spaces of God. I wasn't expecting it to arrive until September. The surprise delivery was reminiscent of becoming a new mom. I had the instant urge to check it over and make sure all the parts were there; to marvel at it and take it all in. I snuck off to read the introduction, just to know how I felt, if it was ok for this baby to be out in public. I am glad to say that I was reassured. I'm looking forward to others seeing my baby and sharing what that is like for them. So, welcome to Peregrine Journey--a place where you can talk about your meanderings with God through these wide open spaces of life.

Warmly, Beth Booram


  1. Congratulations, honey. I'm so proud of you AND your new baby. I'm going to go get some cigars to pass out to all our friends.

  2. Woohoo! That is so great, Beth! And tell you hubby, I'm waiting for my cigar! haha
